Lotto-Logix Lottery Information Results and Software
Win Your Lottery Advance copies of our new ebook, Win Your Lottery by Lotto-Logix (Robert Perkis) are now available. How To Win, Why We Lose. A Must Read for all Serious Lottery Players. Get your copy today. Read all about it at . . . Win Your Lottery the ebook |
Welcome to the lottery player's portal to
lotto and lottery information resources on the www: Need last
night's winning numbers, click on
Lottery Results. Looking for
books on wheeling systems, click on
Lottery Books at
Original articles on playing the lottery to win visit our
Lottery Articles
page. Want top of
the line lottery software programs, we've got links to some of
the best. Whether you play Pick-3, Pick-4, Pick-5, Pick-6 or
just buy Quick-Picks, we have information to help you win the
jackpot. Looking for free lotto games we have the best, the
ones with odds that make sense and a few well chosen contests
and sweepstakes as well. Don't forget to check out our
wheeling page where you can save big money over playing
generic wheel covering designs. Your host
Robert Perkis
INFORMATION: These links are for information purposes only.
Posting of these links in no-way implies approval or a
recommendation to purchase product or services. Some links
are here partly because they provide good links to even more
links. Missing links, in no-way implies disapproval of a
particular product or service and said missing link probably
appears in a list of links, on one of these sites below.
LINKS: Remember, some of this information may be helpful,
some discouraging and some about as useful as fairy wings on a
dump truck.
CLUBS: Join with others to share the costs and wealth, visit. . .
Lotto Magic Lottery Syndicate Management Software, with Full Featured Lottery Software for most lotteries including Powerball, KENO, English Soccer Pools and even Horse Racing (Box Trifectas) Be your own lottery syndicate boss. Take control of your own office, club or lottery pool.
Lucky Lottery Club UK National Lottery Pool. Past and present results. Hints and tips. the Lucky Lottery Club is a privately-run syndicate designed purely and simply to increase the chances of its members making a profit on the National Lottery. (archived copy, you can no longer join, but you can still read the tips and hints)
Mario's Lottery Groups These groups mainly play the Canadian Lotto 649 and Lotto Max games. On occasion, the following other games are played: US Powerball and Mega Millions; Euro Millions, Brazil's Mega Sena and Mega da Virada. There are never any fees to participate in any
group. All monies collected is used to buy tickets. All wins are split evenly and fairly.
Winning Lottery CLubs An article about aspects of some lottery clubs to avoid if joining or starting your own.
INFORMATION: Tips, Books, Analysis, Links, Stats and Strategies.
Beat Pick-3 I once read that if you go back a certain amount of games . . . excel spread sheets for Pick-3 and more. (Archived copy final date/version where the spreadsheet downloads still work
unless you submit individual page links to the web archive search.)
The Balance Every Day Lottery Strategies to use buying your lotto tickets. Additional lottery advice listings are at the bottom of the page.
CBEL's Lottery Links 166 quick and dirty lottery links on one page without descriptions modified from the dmoz directory (archived copy).
Colonial Lottery Tickets American history a collection of colonial lottery tickets that helped finance the building of america.
Compulotto Compulotto The Lottery Analysis Pros. Compulotto is simply Vtrac City. Vtracs for breakfast, Lunch and Evening Drawings. Site is gone, archive copy only for V-Trac information, do not try to subscribe.
Crazy Nuts Daily Pick-3 Pick3 Lottery, custom picks for California Daily 3 and any Pick 3 Lottery by CrazyNuts!
CSGNetwork Lottery Number Selectors A list of calculators and selector programs available for use in picking Lottery numbers for various national, regional and state lotteries. We have written and
provided these for your use and convenience, and hopefully some luck.
Fraud Aid Lottery Scammers are very dangerous! Tips and tricks, let us show you how to be safe!
Global Lottery Collectors Society Worlds largest on-line collecting site for collectable lottery tickets and related items.
Free Lottery Tickets A spoof of the lottery chain letters that were going around for awhile.
Idiot's Delight Examples of fake lottery tickets given to lottery players as a cruel practical joke. Don't be taken in by this nonsense.
Instant Pick 3 Statistics Quickly spot which hot combinations will continue to be drawn, and which cold combinations are
due to come up. This online Pick 3 software runs entirely in your Web browser. There's no need to download
anything. To use this tool, your browser must support JavaScript.
John Lottery's Bimonthly Lottery Articles The purpose of this blog is to bring you a variety of articles focused on sharing Lottery Specific
Topics that will better help you understand your chances of winning the large Mega Millions,
Powerball, Lotto 649, Super 7, Euromillions, etc. jackpots.
Johnph77 Lottery Math Lottery Formulas, Computations, Percentages, Odds and Payouts. The math behind the lottery already worked out for you.
The Lottery Bible Use the last ten draws to collect the 40 recommended numbers and boil them down to what you'll play for Pick-3 today.
Lottery Books on ebay
This link provides a look at lottery books currently available on eBay.
Lottery Directory Resources and Search offers searchable links for lotto players to regional results, software, draw numbers, lotto wheels, tips, magazines and lotto clubs.
Lottery Forecasting and Metastatistics The use of metastatistics for lottery forecasting. Metastatistics can give you an indication of numbers which are more likely than average to appear in the forthcoming draw(s). (archived copy)
Lottery Glossary a Dictionary of Lotto Terms A repository of lottery related terms and their definitions. The Lottery Glossary is comprised of words, abbreviations and meanings of terminology used by lottery players and lotto number predictionists.
Lottery-Guy Revealing the true lottery secrets, myth busting and exposing fake lottery gurus. Become a wiser lottery player with tips and tricks from a real Lottery Guy.
Lottery Info Inc Our mission is to provide high quality lottery related publications to the businesses and individuals who have the desire to acquire such items for both pleasure and profit. These are the little daily number books many players are looking for.
The Lottery Insititute Lottery news, results and historical databases. Advice, tips & strategies. Wheeling Systems - Covering Designs & Combinatorics. Lottery glossary & FAQs. Lottery software lists. Probability and statistics pages. Predictions reports, theory and analysis.
Lottery and Lotto Winning lotto books From a real life lottery winner | improve your chances of winning lotto with our lotto systems and strategies
Lotto Judge Comprehensive reviews of lottery software and ticket agencies.
Lottery Lotto Lotteries Exposes bogus lotto scams, reviews systems and lottery web sites. (archived copy)
Lottery Moments Winning the lottery is just the beginning. Blog covering all angles of the lottery under multiple topic headings. (archived copy)
Lottery Power Picks If your current numbers aren't performing. Lottery Power Picks offers Much Better Quick Picks, hoping to give you a better chance of winning the Mega Millions or Powerball or Lotto 649 or Super 7 Lotteries
Lottery Systems on eBay
This link provides a look at lottery systems currently available on eBay.
Lottery Win System The Lottery Win System lets you go for the jackpot at no cost over the long term.
Lotoluck 649 results and programs for free for loto, lotteries, lotto, coupons, keno, big game, powerball. Play for free to the super-millionaire lottery Primitiva. English(?) and Spanish page versions.
LottoStrategies Provides comprehensive services for U.S., Canada and U.K. lottery players including winning numbers, lottery winning strategies, number picking systems, wheeling system, analysis and more.
Lotto Systems on ebay
This link provides a look at lotto systems currently available on eBay.
Lotto Tutor Lotto Tutor provides Lotto 649 numbers, lottery tips, wheels, results, discussion forums and links.
Lotto World Magazine The final Lotto World Magazine web site as it appeared April 15th, 1997. (Archived Copy: Most internal links work if you allow each page to fully load before moving along. Don't send money to offers that no longer exist. ;-)
Malaysia 4D To win a 4D lottery winning numbers has never been easier and is not based on luck. It's all about math, manipulation, statistic and hardworking study on how to win.
Pick 3 Edge Win pick 3 using the professional free pick 3 lottery systems and strategies found in Pick3Edge. These systems and strategies can help you win pick 3.
Pick34 Lotto Books, Lottery Software, Forecast Prediction Services, Your Lucky Numbers, Lotto Edge Magazine, PICK 3, PICK 4, Powerball, Mega Millions and more
The Procyon Rising Project Beating the lottey through teamwork an ambitious attempt to predict the results of the UK National Lottery by teamwork and co-operation. (Archived copy)
Recurrence Analysis Lottery Prediction one player's opinion
Royce Penny's Money Machine for the Canada Lotto 649 Best Lottery Site for the Canada Lotto 649 - Full analysis of historic draws - winning numbers - prize payouts - This site was last updated 2003.
Smart Search Direct The plucky little search engine. Search the web for lotto sites, news, pictures, audio and video. Give it a try.
Smarter Scratch Instant Scratch off games -what ever you call them – we can show you how to win more! You’d be surprised about how
much data in out there about Scratch off games. We have been gathering and analyzing this data for years and we can show you how to use all of the data that the lotteries publish
on their websites to help you get the edge and only buy the games where the odds have changed in your favor!
ScratchSmarter has been analyzing the INSTANT scratch off games in the U.S. since 2011.
We gather every bit of data from EVERY GAME and analyze it every day.
Strictly Mathematics The Number Combination Slasher 3 and 4. We offer free online lottery numbers, lottery and lotto forecasts for every lottery state and country, free monthly newsletter and the best lottery prediction software available.
Texas Lotto Report Easy to read statistics for all Texas games. Here you can get current drawing results, read about the lottery winners, see the financial aspects of the Texas Lottery and read the latest news.
The Universal Currency Converter The world's most popular currency tool, allows you to perform interactive foreign exchange rate calculations on the Internet, using live, up-to-the-minute currency rates. See what tickets and prizes are really worth in a foreign lottery game.
Three Too Win Winning strategies for the pick3 and other Lottery games. If you have never played the Pick3 lottery game then this free ebook is a must. From the very basics of the game to an advanced system of play that allows you to streamline your picks for maximum coverage while still maintaining a reasonable betting range. Free zipped e-book download by permission of author, original website no longer exists.
United States Lotteries Winning numbers, analysis, RSS feeds, tips and wheels. Up-to-date data and analysis of winning numbers of all United States lotteries. 3/4 daily number games information, odds calculators, combination generators, numbers search, most and least frequently drawn numbers, pairs, triads. (Archived copy: Some information will become dated over time.)
Wheeling and Lottery Odds Calculator Lottery and wheeling odds calculator. See your odds improve as you wheel more numbers.
Winning Lotto Books Winning lotto books for all lotteries worldwide, from a 3-time lotto winner. Lotto systems done for you
Winning Lotto Strategies Is selling my free Lottery Concepts book for $47.00 see the ad, don't get suckered.
Win The Lottery Win The Lottery Webmaster Leroy's Win Cash Money Pick 3 Lottery Pick 4 Lottery Tips, Hints & Suggestions Formulas for winning the lottery.
Win the Lottery Anonymously Read about four winners who were visited by misfortune as a
direct result of their winnings becoming public knowledge. Their stories
are far from unique, but are examples of what can be expected when the news
of sudden wealth is published.
Winning Lottery Secrets Everyone wants to win the lottery, get some help doing so.
Win Your Lottery Our own lottery book for lottery players serious about winning the lottery.
More Lotto-Logix Links to more interesting Lottery informational web sites.
UK LOTTERY: Sites Specific to the UK Lottery
The Health Lottery
Is a well known U.K. lottery brand which is working with local lotteries across UK. Each local lottery is conducted to tackle health inequalities in their respective local areas by taking a fixed fee included in each user’s ticket purchase.
Just Maybe The Online lottery syndicate validation system designed to take the pain out of checking multiple ticket lines for winnings.
Len Goundry's UK Lotto website Ball frequencies, results service, prize details, best picks, number generator, perms, links and software. (archived copy)
Lottery Central UK National Lottery results for Lotto, Lotto Extra, Lotto Hotpicks, Dream Number, Thunderball and Euro Millions, ticket checkers, results service by email/SMS and online lotteries. Archived Copy
Lottery Fun - Playing the lottery There are, in fact, many variations and different types of lottery; many
of these lotteries have a much better chance of earning their players some serious cash. (archived copy)
LotteryGen UK Lottery Statistics he place to find UK National Lotto statistics, and past lottery results.
Analysis of the UK Lotto by frequency,sum, colour,temperature and more, featuring extensive chart displays.
Mersey World UK National Lotto MerseyWorld's lottery information by Richard K. Lloyd for the UK with results, perms, chat, numerical analysis and general information and links for the lottery playing world.
NS&I Premium Bond lottery find out why over 26 million people trust us with their savings UK national savings and investments plan.
Pembrokeshire Lottery With one £2,000 prize and five £100 prizes awarded each week, the Pembrokeshire Lottery gives you the chance to invest in the future of our county, whilst benefiting from great odds too! For those with a UK address only.
The UK National Lottery - a guide for beginners Plus Maths Magazine: Feature Article The UK Lottery game has tightly drawn rules about the amount of prize money available, and how it shall be allocated. The mathematics of counting then allow you to work out your winning chances, and how
much your prize might be. (archived copy)
UK National Lottery The official National Lottery web site.
FORUMS: Discuss the Lottery with Others
Lottery Post Lottery Post is the world's largest community of lottery players, with popular discussion forums, latest lottery results for every state in the USA, Canada, UK, and other countries worldwide, predictions, statistics, winning numbers systems, and lottery wheels.
Lotto 649 Web Site Lottery Players Club Lotto649 is a free online community of lottery experts, players and lotto interested people. This bulletin board is for all types of lotteries played in every country. Here you will find winning predictions, lottery strategies, tips, lotto wheels and a lot of other useful information for maximizing your chances to win the big one - no matter where you are or which lottery you play
Sweepstakes Advantage Thousands of Free Sweepstakes A friendly online sweepstakes community forum and a highly organized, comprehensive directory of the most current online sweepstakes, contests, and giveaways.
The VersaBet Lottery Forum The purpose of the forum is to give lottery players, and VersaBet software users in particular, an opportunity to air their views and exchange insights on both general and specific lottery topics, and on tips and techniques for using the VersaBet software effectively. (site closed May 2014 forum is open)
RESULTS: Winning Lottery Numbers Results Reporting Sites and State Home Pages Lottery results for every lottery in every state in the USA. Our results begin updating at Noon, so you get today's results, today. We also have archives, links to official lottery web sites, a ticket generator and odds calculator. Provides state lottery results, with free and links to pay to play games for cash and prizes.
Lottery America Lottery results for every lottery in every state in the US and other countries. is the oldest and most experienced provider of lottery results and related content for the internet, print, television news and wireless media.
Lotto-Logix: State Sites Links to state, multi-state and international lottery web sites.
USA Mega Powerball and Mega Millions results, news, past drawing history, statistics, jackpot analysis, extensive FAQ, and results search engine.
USA TODAY These numbers are updated throughout the day and published based on the best
information available at time of publication. Please verify these scores with your local lottery boards for official results.
HEADLINES: Lottery In The News
INTERNATIONAL: Lottery Ticket Purchasing Services, visit . . .
Full Online Lottery
BAS Lottery offers Pick 2, Pick 3, Pick 4, and Pick 5 tickets from real US lotteries. You can purchase tickets from as low as $0.25. And you can turn $1 into as much as
$90,000. They offer multiple ways to play and win too. With Straight tickets, you can win by matching your numbers in the exact order. And with Boxed tickets, you can win by matching your numbers in any order. The payouts for a Straight win are more impressive, but both options are fun to play and win.
Irish Lotto Play the Irish Lottery online. Get the latest Irish Lottery results, statistics and information. Irish Lotto draws take place every Wednesday and Saturday.
Ozlotteries Oz Lotto Au. Best of the best, state licensed agency, tax free million dollar 6/45 Lotto, two plays for a dollar with two bonus numbers to help you win.
The South African National Lotto Service Play the South African Lottery Online.
Calling all South Africans and Expats! You can play the Official South African National Lottery without standing in line to buy a ticket.
And there's no need to travel either to play the SA Lotto or collect your winnings - winnings are paid directly into your bank account.
USA Mega Powerball and Mega Millions Lottery Results and News. The Mega Millions and Powerball lottery source for the latest results, news, past drawing results (numbers history), statistics,
how to play, where to play, and winning number combinations (how to win).
LOTTERY SOFTWARE: Data, Charts, Pick Winning Numbers, Wheeling, visit ...
Freeware Or shareware, Lottery Software you can try, some of the great lottery programs from the past.
Gail Howard's Smart Luck Gail Howard's are the only lottery systems that have actualy won millions of dollars for dozens of people. Visit for a free system that won $15 million.
Lottery Director Includes lottery software with over 800 Lotto wheels, updated Lotto game results, and Lotto wheeling freeware. Complete Game Tracking with over 110 screens. Plus, make your own Custom wheels automatically. Powerful Filtering. (archived copy free downloads were still working as of June 2013)
Filter combinations Automatically with one click. Or, use Custom filters with Previews of your prize chances.
Prints the 'marks' directly onto the playslips, on a compatible printer plus, you can create your own new playslip layouts for new games.
Compare your game against other games ... with one mouse click. See how your game is different from other games. See when and where your numbers have won in any game ... and Much More. Full information at this Web site. (Archived copy: Downloads still working last check.)
Windows Lotto Pro Unlike many other lottery programs that simply generate random numbers, Windows Lotto Pro picks the best numbers to play based on a statistical analysis of previous drawings.
The numbers that the program picks are called Smart numbers. When you play Smart numbers, there is no need for you to analyze any statistical information.
Lotto Pro helps you to play the lottery with control, not guesswork. aka = Lotto Players BBS, Data Solutions, Lotto Pro.
LottoWhiz PRO Lottery Software for the smart player. All major US and most International Lotteries, Unlimited Wheeling Systems, Number Analysis, Ticket Printing.
Lotwin Lottery Line Builder is a feature packed lotto program offering an extensive and unmatched range of tools to the serious lottery player. It easily outperforms competing products with it's powerful Lottery Line Builder Engine, statistical lotto analysis capability and entry manipulation features.
Systems for Pick-3 More Pick-3 wins then you will believe and a maybe free 10 use demo to prove it.
VersaBet Lottery software and lottery information. Quality lottery tools for both the casual and serious lotto, keno, pick-3 and pick-4 player. (site closed May 1st, 2014 archived copy)
More Lottery Software links More links to lottery software on the web, the longer list to chew through.
STARS: The movement of the stars rules everything, visit . . .
3 Wish Lotto Horoscopes and lucky numbers. Birthday numbers, we have your dream numbers, find the winning numbers hidden in your dreams. (archived copy)
AstroStar's Planet Lotto Home of the Astro Lotto Forecasts. Free weekly, astrology horoscopes for the lottery and all games of chance with your luckiest and unluckiest days.
AccuLotto Your source for accurate and dependable Lottery Numbers selected just for you. is designed to produce lotto numbers specifically for you. We use numerological algorithms and strive to give you a winning edge no matter where you are located. (archived copy)
Alternative Lottery Strategies 1. Introduction to Numerology 2. How to Find Your Lucky Numbers 3. Astrological Signs and Lunar Cycles 4. Lucky Charms, Superstition, and Prayer 5. ESP, Dreams, and the Unexplained.
How To Play The LotteryHow to play the various and different lotto and lottery games you may encounter.
Mystic Number Generator Get unique random numbers to attract good luck and fortune. This free online number picker is more than just a Random Number Generator (rng). It's a Mystic Number Generator and allows you to set to pick random numbers from between 1 and 90.
Lotto - White T-Shirt
for fans of the TV show Lost the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 on Hurley's lottery ticket. Lucky huh?
Didn't find what you were looking for, try a search on Smart Search Direct . . .
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